For all your electric power generation demands — simple or complex, large or small, standby or prime power, MacAllister Power Systems will help you select and engineer your best solution.
We provide total system solutions to any power problem you are facing.
All products are backed by unequalled support from MacAllister.
Our experienced design engineers will work with you to design the solution that best fits your requirements.
If your power problem is temporary, we have a fleet of equipment that you can rent including trailer mounted generator sets in sound attenuated enclosures, air conditioning units, chillers, distribution equipment, cable,transformers, and more. Check out the Rental section for more information.
No matter how large or small, turn to MacAllister for all your temporary and permanent power problems.
For equipment inquiries, please contact:

For commercial business inquiries, please contact:

Commercial Business Mgr
(517) 230-5444